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Results from Main web retrieved at 23:16 (GMT)

MaintenanceGroup Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP TWikiAdminGroup, MichaelOSullivan, CameronWalker, TomAdams Persons/group who can...
List of TWiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by...
Welcome to the Main web This TWiki site is currently being used by the Operations Research at The University of Auckland (ORUA) research group for their active...
Number of topics: 3

Results from Forum web retrieved at 23:16 (GMT)

When solving problems and quoting solutions, the accuracy of your solutions is really only as good as the accuracy of your problem data. Hence, if you have problem...
Just wondering if I got the gist of the expert problem. We are going to keep prices fixed at the optimal solution produced by the non linear solution? If this is...
If I use starting values for a, b and c, how will I know that the solution is a global optimum? TWikiGuest 29 Mar 2008 You won`t without doing a good investigation...
How do we check whether an element is within the CONVERSIONS set? For example, we have a material `n` and a material `m`, how do we check whether this combination...
Number of topics: 4

Results from ORUA web retrieved at 23:16 (GMT)

h2 Project DescriptionIn this project, funded by the KAREN Capability Fund, the Network Design and Simulation Group will apply the optimization techniques they have...
Intelligent Cloud Benchmarks Test Environments These environments are set up for testing our benchmarks in within ORUA. The test/dev cloud environment The...
Designing a Storage Area Network for the Department of Engineering Science Objective The objective of this project was to use mixed integer programming (MIP) models...
Implementing a Storage Area Network Prototype Objective This project was the result of projects on the design and simulation of a storage system for the Department...
Simulating a Storage Area Network for the Department of Engineering Science Objective The objective of this project is to use OPNET`s Modeler to simulate the storage...
h1 Project DescriptionThe {link:Engineering Science} Local Area Network (LAN) is spread over three floors and connects offices, computing...
OPNET Simulation Project: Summer Internship 2006/2007 Project Description In a previous project Evaluation of Core Edge Storage Area Network Designs using Simulation...
Dippy Dippy is open source software that provides an interface between a Python based mathematical modelling language PuLP and an advanced mixed integer linear programming...
Operations Research for Healthcare Services (ORHS) ORUA have been utilising optimisation and simulation to improve the delivery of healthcare services: Simulating...
Optimising Registrar Rosters in General Medicine: Initial Project (Amelia White) Problem Description General medicine (GM) regristrars at Auckland Hospital are currently...
Initial ADHB Orderly Simulation Project (Nick Simmons) Objectives Use historical data out of the INFRA transit booking system to develop a simulation of in patient...
Operations Research for Financial Systems (ORFS) ORUA have been utilising optimisation to improve financial systems: Optimising the selection of a CDO portfolio...
Operations Research for Healthcare Services (ORHS) This research programme is now part of the Healthcare Analytics research programme. MichaelOSullivan 02 Jun...
Operations Research for Information and Communications Technology (ORICT) Intelligent Clouds SENSE monitoring, measurement and information dissemination in...
Modelling Auckland City Hospital (Ivo Matthijssen) Introduction This project was a joint project between the Department of Engineering Science and the Auckland District...
Calibrating the Auckland City Hospital Model and Investigating Dispatch Policies (Audrey Tandiono) Management Summaries Summary 28/12/2011 Summary 17/...
h1 Experiments with a Shared Memory Machineh2 ObjectiveTo run experiments using the open source SYMPHONY package to solve a mixed integer programming problem on a...
Simulation Modelling (SimMod) Conceptual Modelling Conceptual Modelling is the abstraction of a model from the implementation paradigm/platform, e.g., marthematical...
Storage Systems/Cloud Storage Design Projects Department of Engineering Science Project This project was the first project in which NDSG experimented with optimisation...
Storage Systems/Cloud Storage Simulation Projects Department of Engineering Science Project This project was an outcome of the storage systems design project for the...
Protecting Telecommunications Networks Objective In this project we developed two methods for determing optimal (in terms of cost) protective coverings for telecommunications...
MichaelOSullivan 03 Jul 2014
Simulating Traffic Intersections NDSG supervised two projects studying the intersection of Waterloo Quadrant and Princes St. of a Traffic Light Control System By...
Statistics for ORUA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Number of topics: 24

Results from OpsRes web retrieved at 23:16 (GMT)

Installing AMPL at Home For Windows You can easily set up AMPL on your (Windows) computer by: 1 Downloading a `starter kit` from the AMPL website; 1 Extracting...
The AMPL Process Starting AMPL AMPL Commands The Model Environment The Data Environment Scripting in AMPL Notes on AMPL Files...
The AMPL Syntax Guide Disclaimer This is a guide to the AMPL syntax only. For a comprehensive reference to the AMPL language see AMPL: A Modeling Language for...
Adding and Connecting Modules in Arena You add modules by clicking and dragging them onto the flowchart view. If you have Object Auto Connect checked, then the...
Adding a Dynamic Plot To add a dynamic plot you simply click on the Plot button, add the expressions that you want to plot, set some parameters that control how...
Animating a Resource To animate a resource, first click on the Resource button in the Animate toolbar. This brings up the Resource Picture Placement Dialogue...
Arena Guide Arena is a commercial simulation package distributed by Rockwell Automation. For more details see the main Arena website: and there...
Working with Submodels Arena provides a way to encapsulate different parts of a model, a submodel . New submodels can be added by using Object Submodel Add Submodel...
Attaching a Template When creating a new model, Arena provides you with a set of templates. However, you can also add extra templates to your model. To do this go...
\usepackage{amsmath} Blending or Mixing Models One common type of problem solved by linear programming is to determine the optimal blend or mix of inputs to produce...
Columnwise Formulations in AMPL Consider the following problem (Adapted from Section 16.2, AMPL: A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming): Workhard and Co...
Command Line How To For Windows Instructions for starting a command line application in Windows: 1 Go to the start menu 1 Select Run... 1 Enter cmd...
Constraints in AMPL 1 Description 1 Defining a Constraint 1 Bounded Constraints 1 Examining Constraints 1 Changing Constraints Description Mathematical...
The Cutting Stock Problem Also known as the Trim Loss Model. Coming soon! Solving the Cutting Stock Problem with OR Software Using AMPL/CPLEX (Coming Soon!)...
Depth First Search for Enumeration One common method of generating patterns for set partitioning problems is to use a search to find feasible patterns/schedules/sets...
Editing Assign Modules Assign modules may be added to the flowchart view by dragging and dropping (the same as Create modules). Multiple assignments can be done...
Editing Batch Modules Batch modules can be added to the flowchart view via dragging and dropping (see Editing Create Modules for a demonstration) and edited by double...
Editing Decide Modules Decide modules can be added to the flowchart view via dragging and dropping (see Editing Create Modules for a demonstration) and edited by...
Editing Delay Modules Delay modules can be added to the flowchart view via dragging and dropping (see Editing Create Modules for a demonstration) and edited by double...
To edit a Dispose module, simply double click on the module and edit the Name . MichaelOSullivan 18 Aug 2009
Editing Hold Modules Hold modules belong to the Advanced Process template (if you cannot find this template you may need to attach it). After you have added a...
Editing Process Modules Open the Process module by double clicking. You can change the name of the module by editing the Name field. Next, you must specify the...
Editing Separate Modules Separate modules can be added to the flowchart view via dragging and dropping (see Editing Create Modules for a demonstration) and edited...
Editing Shortcuts 1 Repeat Last Action Right clicking in an empty spot in the flowchart view of the window brings up a small box of options including Repeat...
Editing Variables The Variable module is found in the Basic Process template. To add or edit variables simply click on the Variable module. Add a new Variable...
Expressions in AMPL 1 Description 1 The sum Expression 1 min/max Expressions 1 Mathematical Operators Description Expressions are the main way for AMPL...
Integer Programming with AMPL Specifying variables to be integer or binary in AMPL will cause the solver, e.g., CPLEX, to use mixed integer programming. This will...
JaamSim JaamSim is an open source simulation package built in Java. For more details see the main JaamSim website: MichaelOSullivan 28 Jun...
Linear Programming Relaxation The Linear Programming (LP) relaxation is the same as the original integer programme, except we `relax` the integer variables to allow...
\usepackage{amsmath} Linear Programming The simplest type of mathematical programme is a linear programme . For your mathematical programme to be a linear programme...
What is a Management Summary? Wikitionary defines management as administration; the process or practice of managing. and a summary as concise, brief or presented...
\usepackage{amsmath} Miscellaneous AMPL Commands 1 check statements 1 reset data 1 AMPL Macros and Suffixes 1 Columnwise Formulation 1 Power Sets...
Network Optimisation Network optimisation involves mathematical programmes that describe problems based on networks. There are many different types of network optimisation...
Creating a New Model You can create a new model file by clicking on the New icon , selecting File New or pressing Ctrl N . Arena will open a new model file...
Objective Functions in AMPL 1 Description 2 Declaring an Objective Function 3 Defining an Objective Function Description The objective function of a mathematical...
Parameters in AMPL 1 Description 1 Declaring a Parameter 1 Parameter Types 1 Parameter Bounds 1 Default Values 1 Defining a Parameter...
Parametric Analysis After solving a linear programme, you have sensitivity analysis immediately available to show what happen happens Lauren when there are small...
\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} Power Sets When building set partitioning, covering or packing models we often choose to generate a power set to generate variables...
Displaying and Printing in AMPL 1 How many decimal places? 1 Displaying Information 1 Printing Information 1 Printing to a File How many decimal places...
PuLP Dippy MichaelOSullivan 02 May 2014
PuLP and Dippy Tutorial MichaelOSullivan 02 Feb 2011
Pages to Review MichaelOSullivan 21 Feb 2008
Sensitivity Analysis After solving a linear programme, we can use sensitivity analysis to explore what would happen if we make if we made Lauren small changes...
\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} Set Partitioning, Packing and Covering Set partitioning, packing and covering problems are common types of integer programmes. They involve...
Sets in AMPL 1 Description 1 Declaring a Set 1 Set Expressions 1 Defining a Set 1 Ordered Sets 1 Set Example 1 Restricted Sets 1 Multi...
Starting Arena The attached flash movie (shown below) shows how to start Arena (in a Windows environment): MichaelOSullivan 21 Jul 200
\usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} Supply Chain Mathematical Programmes This material is a summary of the material on supply chain networks from Chapter...
\usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} The Transportation Problem Introduction The transportation problem is one of the simplest forms of network optimisation...
The Transportation Problem in AMPL AMPL Formulation The formulation of the transportation problem is AMPL is a straightforward translation of the mathematical programme...
\usepackage{amsmath} The Transshipment Problem The transshipment problem is very similar to the transportation problem. It has supply nodes %${\cal S}$% where goods...
The Transshipment Problem in AMPL The formulation of the transshipment problem in AMPL we present here is a straightforward translation of the alternative mathematical...
Pages to Under Construction MichaelOSullivan 23 Feb 2008
Variables in AMPL 1 Description 1 Declaring a Variable 1 Variable Types 1 Variable Bounds 1 Initial Values 1 Default Values 1 Accessing...
Number of topics: 53

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