Protecting Telecommunications Networks


In this project we developed two methods for determing optimal (in terms of cost) protective coverings for telecommunications networks. One method uses dynamic programming (DP) and is computationally fast, but doesn't quite model the problem exactly. The second method uses integer programming (IP) and is slower, but modesl the problem exactly. This research shows that the difference in the solutions for the DP and IP approaches is negligible and that DP is a good solution method for practical problems.


We developed both the DP and IP algorithms and tested them on both the Auckland and Wellington CBD networks. The results are published in

Protecting local access telecommunications networks: Toward a minimum-cost solution, M. J. O’Sullivan, C. G. Walker, M. L. O’Sullivan, T. D. Thompson and A. B. Philpott, Telecommunication Systems 33, 353-376, 2006

Much of this research was performed using FIDO.


The image above shows the layout of building connections and trenches in the Auckland CBD telecommunications network displayed in FIDO.

-- MichaelOSullivan - 13 Oct 2010

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