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Results from OpsRes web retrieved at 04:59 (GMT)

Installing AMPL at Home For Windows You can easily set up AMPL on your (Windows) computer by: 1 Downloading a `starter kit` from the AMPL website; 1 Extracting...
AMPL Guide AMPL stands for `A Mathematical Programming Language`. It is used to describe mathematical programmes. AMPL is a commerical software package from Laboratories...
The AMPL Process Starting AMPL AMPL Commands The Model Environment The Data Environment Scripting in AMPL Notes on AMPL Files...
The AMPL Syntax Guide Disclaimer This is a guide to the AMPL syntax only. For a comprehensive reference to the AMPL language see AMPL: A Modeling Language for...
\usepackage{amsmath} Case Study: Submitted: Operations Research Topics: Application Areas: Contents Problem Description Problem Description Return...
Command Line How To For Windows Instructions for starting a command line application in Windows: 1 Go to the start menu 1 Select Run... 1 Enter cmd...
\usepackage{amsmath} Case Study: Submitted: Operations Research Topics: Application Areas: Contents Problem Description Problem Description Return...
\usepackage{amsmath} Case Study: Submitted: Operations Research Topics: Application Areas: Contents Problem Description Problem Description Return...
\usepackage{amsmath} Case Study: Submitted: Operations Research Topics: Application Areas: Contents Problem Description Problem Description Return...
Expressions in AMPL 1 Description 1 The sum Expression 1 min/max Expressions 1 Mathematical Operators Description Expressions are the main way for AMPL...
\usepackage{amsmath} Case Study: Submitted: Operations Research Topics: Application Areas: Contents Problem Description Problem Description Return...
Integer Programming Integer programmes are almost identical to linear programmes with one very important exception. Some of the decision variables in integer programmes...
\usepackage{amsmath} Linear Programming The simplest type of mathematical programme is a linear programme . For your mathematical programme to be a linear programme...
Logic in AMPL 1 Relational Operators 1 Logical Operators 1 Logical Expressions 1 Conditional Expressions 1 Conditional Structures 1 Binary Parameters...
Looping in AMPL for Loops let Loops Conditional Loops for Loops In AMPL you can create basic for loops by creating a set automatically and looping over elements...
What is a Management Summary? Wikitionary defines management as administration; the process or practice of managing. and a summary as concise, brief or presented...
Mathematical Programming Mathematical programming uses mathematical variables and expressions to model problems. In the formulation step of the Operations Research...
Objective Functions in AMPL 1 Description 2 Declaring an Objective Function 3 Defining an Objective Function Description The objective function of a mathematical...
Operations Research Methodology Solving an Operations Research (OR) problem is not a linear process, but the process can be broken down into five general steps:...
Parameters in AMPL 1 Description 1 Declaring a Parameter 1 Parameter Types 1 Parameter Bounds 1 Default Values 1 Defining a Parameter...
Displaying and Printing in AMPL 1 How many decimal places? 1 Displaying Information 1 Printing Information 1 Printing to a File How many decimal places...
Sets in AMPL 1 Description 1 Declaring a Set 1 Set Expressions 1 Defining a Set 1 Ordered Sets 1 Set Example 1 Restricted Sets 1 Multi...
\usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} Supply Chain Mathematical Programmes This material is a summary of the material on supply chain networks from Chapter...
\usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} Case Study: Submitted: Operations Research Topics: Application Areas: Contents Problem Description Problem...
Variables in AMPL 1 Description 1 Declaring a Variable 1 Variable Types 1 Variable Bounds 1 Initial Values 1 Default Values 1 Accessing...
Welcome to the Operations Research Web This web is for learning Operations Research (OR). In this web we emphasise the mathematical models, usually referred to as...
\usepackage{amsmath} Case Study: Submitted: Operations Research Topics: Application Areas: Contents Problem Description Problem Description Return...
\usepackage{amsmath} Case Study: Submitted: Operations Research Topics: Application Areas: Contents Problem Description Problem Description Return...
Number of topics: 28

-- MichaelOSullivan - 21 Feb 2008

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