Editing Batch Modules

Batch modules can be added to the flowchart view via dragging and dropping (see Editing Create Modules for a demonstration) and edited by double clicking on the module.

Batch modules are the grouping mechanism for Arena simulation models. The Type of batch must be specified as either permentant or temporary. Temporary batches must later be split using a Separate module. The Size is the number of entities to be matched together. The Rule refers to whether entities may be matched together in order of arrival or based on an specified attribute. Entities arriving at the Batch module are placed in a queue until the required number of entities has accumulated. Once accumulated, a new Representative Entity is created.

A good example of a Batch module is collecting a number of parcels before embarking on a courier delivery run (see the flash movie titled "Adding Deliveries to Courier Model " in the Courier Service Model ). A printscreen of the Batch module used in this example is shown below.


-- MichaelOSullivan - 25 Aug 2009

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Topic revision: r6 - 2010-02-16 - KatTrevor
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