Recent Changes in ORUA Web retrieved at 18:04 (GMT)

Statistics for ORUA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Welcome to the 1 web About ORUA The Maori word orua means `to coincide` and we think about Operations Research and Analytics as engineering, mathematics, statistics...
HamidMoghaddam 18 May 2016 Although the installation guide of the CloudSuite`s benchmarks are provided by the Cloudsuite developers, sometimes we need to install each...
HamidMoghaddam 11 May 2016 Low graphic modes error Some of VMs show this error after restarting to solving that do following line: 1 Use Alt F1 and go to terminal...
ORUA Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the ORUA web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...
TWikiAdminGroup 24 Feb 2016 orua logo 2016 h45.png:
Intelligent Cloud Benchmarks Test Environments These environments are set up for testing our benchmarks in within ORUA. The test/dev cloud environment The...
Operations Research for Data Storage Systems (ORDSS) This research programme is now part of the Operations Research for Information and Communications Technology...
Operations Research for Healthcare Services (ORHS) This research programme is now part of the Healthcare Analytics research programme. MichaelOSullivan 02 Jun...
Operations Research for Healthcare Services (ORHS) ORUA have been utilising optimisation and simulation to improve the delivery of healthcare services: Simulating...
Simulation Modelling (SimMod) Conceptual Modelling Conceptual Modelling is the abstraction of a model from the implementation paradigm/platform, e.g., marthematical...
Operations Research for Information and Communications Technology (ORICT) Intelligent Clouds SENSE monitoring, measurement and information dissemination in...
MichaelOSullivan 03 Jul 2014
Prototyping Innovative Data Storage Storage Area Networks Department of Engineering Science Project This project was an outcome of a storage systems design project...
Simulation of Construction Projects (SimCon) ORUA have been utilising simulation to create virtual simulation projects and improve decision making in construction...
Operations Research for Infrastructure Planning (ORIP) ORUA have been utilising optimisation to improve infrastructure planning: Water Resource Planning in the...
Optimising the Selection of a CDO Portfolio Projects Debt Obligation Portfolio Optimisation Ethan Choi Collateralised Debt Obligation Portfolio Optimisation...
Operations Research for Financial Systems (ORFS) ORUA have been utilising optimisation to improve financial systems: Optimising the selection of a CDO portfolio...
Investigating Registrar Rosters in General Medicine Projects Optimising Registar Rosters for General Medicine: Initial Project Amelia White Registrar...
Optimising Registrar Rosters in General Medicine: Initial Project (Amelia White) Problem Description General medicine (GM) regristrars at Auckland Hospital are currently...
ADHB Orderly Simulation Project Initial Orderly Simulation project Nick Simmons Phase 1 Orderly Simulation: Modelling Auckland City Hospital Ivo Matthijssen...
Calibrating the Auckland City Hospital Model and Investigating Dispatch Policies (Audrey Tandiono) Management Summaries Summary 28/12/2011 Summary 17/...
Modelling Auckland City Hospital (Ivo Matthijssen) Introduction This project was a joint project between the Department of Engineering Science and the Auckland District...
Initial ADHB Orderly Simulation Project (Nick Simmons) Objectives Use historical data out of the INFRA transit booking system to develop a simulation of in patient...
XtreemFS Configuration There are three core parts of XtreemFS system: osd object storage data (actual data storage) mrc meta data and replica catalog...
DongJinLee 17 Oct 2010 done
h2 Project DescriptionIn this project, funded by the KAREN Capability Fund, the Network Design and Simulation Group will apply the optimization techniques they have...
Storage Systems/Cloud Storage Simulation Projects Department of Engineering Science Project This project was an outcome of the storage systems design project for the...
OPNET Simulation Project: Summer Internship 2006/2007 Project Description In a previous project Evaluation of Core Edge Storage Area Network Designs using Simulation...
Implementing a Storage Area Network Prototype Objective This project was the result of projects on the design and simulation of a storage system for the Department...
Simulating a Storage Area Network for the Department of Engineering Science Objective The objective of this project is to use OPNET`s Modeler to simulate the storage...
h1 Project DescriptionThe {link:Engineering Science} Local Area Network (LAN) is spread over three floors and connects offices, computing...
Setting up OpenCL HOWTO: Setup for OpenCL development in Visual Studio 2008 1 Download and install the latest NVIDIA drivers from
Operations Research for Biological Systems (ORBS) ORUA have been utilising optimisation and simulation to investigate biological systems. Cellular Structure...
Operations Research for Transportation Systems (ORTS) ORUA have been utilising optimisation and simulation to improve transportation systems: Traffic Intersection...
Simulating Traffic Intersections NDSG supervised two projects studying the intersection of Waterloo Quadrant and Princes St. of a Traffic Light Control System By...
Protecting Telecommunications Networks Objective In this project we developed two methods for determing optimal (in terms of cost) protective coverings for telecommunications...
Dippy Dippy is open source software that provides an interface between a Python based mathematical modelling language PuLP and an advanced mixed integer linear programming...
Tools for Operations Research Computation (TORC) ORUA have been both developing and experimenting with tools for Operations Research computation: Dippy a simplified...
h1 Experiments with a Shared Memory Machineh2 ObjectiveTo run experiments using the open source SYMPHONY package to solve a mixed integer programming problem on a...
LPG : Linear Programming on GPUs Project contains: libLPG library that contains functions to solve linear programmes using a CPU or GPGPU. LPG a command...
Operations Research for Computational Statistics (ORCS) ORUA have been developing optimisation based approaches for computational statistics: Spatially Adaptive...
Storage Systems/Cloud Storage Design Projects Department of Engineering Science Project This project was the first project in which NDSG experimented with optimisation...
System Installation Example of a single machine`s hardware and software installation Hardware CPU: Intel(R) Xeon CPU E5630 @ 2.53Ghz (8 cores) RAM: DDR3 19GB...
script1 makecephconfig is a simple script allowing you to create the ceph.conf in a way easy to test multiple hosts and OSDs. Allows you to easily change...
Designing a Storage Area Network for the Department of Engineering Science Objective The objective of this project was to use mixed integer programming (MIP) models...
DongJinLee 30 Aug 2011
Kclient version (default Kernel) and Ceph version kernel 2.6.36 02063601 generic (23 Nov 2010) ceph version 0.23.2 (commit:5bdae2af8c53adb2e059022c58813e97e7a7ba5d...
This webpage contains a list of research works related with Ceph file system

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