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Results from ORUA web retrieved at 20:43 (GMT)

Designing a Storage Area Network for the Department of Engineering Science Objective The objective of this project was to use mixed integer programming (MIP) models...
Implementing a Storage Area Network Prototype Objective This project was the result of projects on the design and simulation of a storage system for the Department...
Simulating a Storage Area Network for the Department of Engineering Science Objective The objective of this project is to use OPNET`s Modeler to simulate the storage...
h1 Project DescriptionThe {link:Engineering Science} Local Area Network (LAN) is spread over three floors and connects offices, computing...
OPNET Simulation Project: Summer Internship 2006/2007 Project Description In a previous project Evaluation of Core Edge Storage Area Network Designs using Simulation...
Dippy Dippy is open source software that provides an interface between a Python based mathematical modelling language PuLP and an advanced mixed integer linear programming...
Number of topics: 6

Topic revision: r17 - 2020-03-21 - MichaelOSullivan
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