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Results from ORUA web retrieved at 11:21 (GMT)

DongJinLee 30 Aug 2011
This webpage contains a list of research works related with Ceph file system
Kclient version (default Kernel) and Ceph version kernel 2.6.36 02063601 generic (23 Nov 2010) ceph version 0.23.2 (commit:5bdae2af8c53adb2e059022c58813e97e7a7ba5d...
script1 makecephconfig is a simple script allowing you to create the ceph.conf in a way easy to test multiple hosts and OSDs. Allows you to easily change...
Implementing a Storage Area Network Prototype Objective This project was the result of projects on the design and simulation of a storage system for the Department...
Operations Research for Information and Communications Technology (ORICT) Intelligent Clouds SENSE monitoring, measurement and information dissemination in...
System Installation Example of a single machine`s hardware and software installation Hardware CPU: Intel(R) Xeon CPU E5630 @ 2.53Ghz (8 cores) RAM: DDR3 19GB...
Statistics for ORUA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
DongJinLee 17 Oct 2010 done
XtreemFS Configuration There are three core parts of XtreemFS system: osd object storage data (actual data storage) mrc meta data and replica catalog...
Number of topics: 10

Results from NDSG web retrieved at 11:21 (GMT)

Statistics for NDSG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Number of topics: 1

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