Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Attributes
Title text 20 Title The title of the case study M
DateSubmitted date 12   The date this case study was submitted  
CaseStudyType radio 5   Type of case study M
OperationsResearchTopics checkbox 5   Operations Research Areas involved in this case study  
ApplicationAreas checkbox 5   Application Areas where this case study may be used  
ProblemDescription textarea 80x20 The problem... A description of the problem M
ProblemFormulation textarea 80x20 The formulation... The problem formulation M
ComputationalModel textarea 80x20 The computational model... The computational model used for the problem M
Results textarea 80x20 The results... The results obtained from the problem M
Conclusions textarea 80x20 In conclusion... Any conclusions from studying the problem M
ExtraForExperts textarea 80x20   Extra information for experts  
StudentTasks textarea 80x20   Tasks for students to complete after reading this case study  
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Topic revision: r10 - 2008-02-29 - TWikiAdminUser
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