Welcome to the ORUA web

About ORUA

The Maori word orua means "to coincide" and we think about Operations Research and Analytics as engineering, mathematics, statistics, computer science and management science coinciding to improve whatever system we are currently modelling. O(perations) R(esearch) U(nion) A(nalytics) is a research group at The University of Auckland that investigates Operations Research and Analytics methods and utilises them to improve a wide variety of systems. ORUA is an evolution of NDSG (The Network Design and Simulation Group) because our research has expanded beyond modelling networks. Our public web site contains more information about us, but this is our research "intraweb" and is used for coordinating and documenting our research activities as well as a collaborative tool.

Research Programmes

ORUA have many areas of research they are working/have worked in. Here are our research programmes:
  • ORICT - Operations Research for Information and Communications Technology
    • ORDSS - Operations Research for Data Storage Systems, this research programme is now part of ORICT
  • Healthcare Analytics - Analytics for visualising, understanding, and improving Healthcare
  • ORFS - Operations Research for Financial Systems
  • ORIP - Operations Research for Infrastructure Planning
  • SimCon - Simulation of Construction Projects
  • SimMod - Simulation Modelling
  • TORC - Tools for Operations Research Computation
  • ORCS - Operations Research for Computational Statistics
  • ORBS - Operations Research for Biological Systems
  • ORTS - Operations Research for Transportation Systems

ORUA Web Utilities

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Topic revision: r17 - 2020-03-21 - MichaelOSullivan
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