""" November-Feburary 2010-2011 Amelia White Summer Project Supervisors: Mike O'Sullivan and Cameron Walker Functions for roster_rotate_1_4.py Initial exploratoray analysis into formulating a roster for General Medicine registrars at Auckland Hostipal """ #Import the required libraries import scipy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import math #Can't compare variables directly. Although variables are decleared as binary #They seem to be stored as floating point numbers TOL = 1e-5 """ # Function to determine if it is a weekend or not # Inputs: # day = day from 0-84 in 12 week roster # Outputs: # Returns 1 if day is mon-thurs # returns 5 if day is friday # returns 6 if day is saturday # returns 7 if day is a sunday """ def weekend(day): if (day+1)%7 == 0: weekend=6 elif day%7==0: weekend=7 elif (day+6)%7 ==0 or (day+5)%7==0 or (day+4)%7==0 or (day+3)%7==0: weekend =1 #day is monday to thurs else: weekend = 5 #day is a friday return weekend """ # Function to return a numerical reference of the day of week # Inputs: # day = day from 0-84 in 12 week roster # Outputs: # day_num = day of week(mon = 1 ... sun = 7) """ def what_day(day): if (day+1)%7 == 0: day_num=6 # Saturday elif day%7==0: day_num=7 # Sunday elif (day+6)%7 ==0: day_num=1 # monday elif (day+5)%7==0: day_num = 2 # Tuesday elif (day+4)%7==0: day_num= 3 # Wednesday elif (day+3)%7==0: day_num =4 # Thursday else: day_num = 5 # Friday return day_num """ # Function to generate number of patients admitted to general medicine # Inputs: # day = day from 1-7 # Outputs: # patient_num = number of patients admitted to GM wards """ def admitting_nums(day): if day == 1: patient_num = 28 # monday elif day == 2: patient_num = 28 # Tuesday elif day == 3: patient_num = 28 # wednesday elif day == 4: patient_num = 32 # Thursday elif day == 5: patient_num= 32 # Friday elif day == 6: patient_num =28*4 # Saturday = 28*4 to model shift A taking all the patients else: patient_num = 20*4 # Sunday = 20*4 to model shift A taking all the patients return patient_num """ # Solution Table # Writes rotating schedule to html table (one schedule) # Inputs: # regVars: variables X(r,s,d)=1 if registrar r works shift s on day d, 0 otherwise # DAY: List of days '1' to '8' # WEEKS: List of weeks '1' to length of roster # SHIFTS: List of possible shifts # Outputs: # The roster written to the file: "solution_table_rotate.html" this is the schedule # that each registrar does. """ def solution_table(regVars,DAY,WEEKS,SHIFTS): #A file is opened rosterout=open('solution_table_rotate.html','w') #html code to write table rosterout.write("") rosterout.write("") rosterout.write("") #write day header for d in DAY: rosterout.write("") rosterout.write("") #write schedule for w in WEEKS: rosterout.write("") for d in DAY: for s in SHIFTS: if regVars[(w,s,d)].varValue>=1-TOL: rosterout.write("") rosterout.write("") rosterout.write("
Day" + str(d) + "
"+w+"") rosterout.write(s) rosterout.write("
") rosterout.close() """ # What_doing # takes registrar and the day (0-84) and works out what shift they are doing # Based on the roster. # Inputs: # registrar: registrar to find out what shift they are doing # DAY: List of days '1' to '8' # ORDER: List of the registrars in order of the rotating roster is assigned in # ROSTER: 12 week roster for one registrar # Outputs: # shift: the shift the registrar is doing of day d """ def what_doing(registrar,day,ORDER,ROSTER): index_order = ORDER.index(registrar) start_week = index_order #week of the rotating schedule they start in day_same_as = divmod(day+7*index_order,84)[1] shift = ROSTER[day_same_as] return shift """ # lp_what_doing # takes registrar and the day (0-84) and works out what shift they are doing # Based on the roster. # Inputs: # registrar: registrar to find out what shift they are doing # DAY: List of days '1' to '8' # ORDER: List of the registrars in order of the rotating roster is assigned in # ROSTER: 12 week roster for one registrar # Outputs: # shift: the shift the registrar is doing of day d """ def lp_what_doing(registrar,day,ORDER): index_order = ORDER.index(registrar) start_week = index_order #week of the rotating schedule they start in day_same_as = (day+7*index_order) % 84 if day_same_as == 0: day_same_as = 84 return day_same_as """ # full_schedule # Writes rotating schedule to html table # Inputs: # regVars: variables X(r,s,d)=1 if registrar r works shift s on day d, 0 otherwise # DAY: List of days '1' to '8' # WEEKS: List of weeks '1' to length of roster # SHIFTS: List of possible shifts # REGISTRAR: List of registrars # ORDER: List of the registrars in order of the rotating roster is assigned in # Outputs: # The full roster written to the file: "solution_table_rotate_full.html" # ROSTER: List of the order shifts are done in # FULL_ROSTER: Dictionary conatining the shifts for each registrar on each day """ def full_schedule(regVars,DAY,WEEKS,SHIFTS,REGISTRAR,ORDER): ROSTER=[] # creates list of the order that shifts are done in for the first registrar for w in WEEKS: for d in DAY: for s in SHIFTS: if math.fabs(regVars[(w,s,d)].varValue-1)<=TOL: ROSTER.append(s) print w, d, s # A file is opened rosterout=open('solution_table_rotate_full.html','w') # HTML table tags rosterout.write("") rosterout.write("") rosterout.write("") #Write day headers - could modify to display dates for d in range(1,85): rosterout.write("") rosterout.write("") #dictionary to store full roster FULL_ROSTER={} #Loop to write roster to HTML table and build full roster dictionary i=1 for r in REGISTRAR: #if night shift write border week_start=ORDER.index(r)+1 night_start=week_start*7-7 #print night_start night_finish=night_start+7 #print night_finish rosterout.write("") FULL_ROSTER[r]={} #if r == REGISTRAR[0]: # #rosterout.write("
Day" + str(d) + "
"+ r +"") for d in range(1,85): #If first registrar then write roster otherwise write rotated roster if r == REGISTRAR[0]: #print d current_shift = ROSTER[d-1] else: current_shift= what_doing(r,d-1,ORDER,ROSTER)#call function here #Write color code #if d == night_start: # rosterout.write(" ") rosterout.write("") i+=1 rosterout.write("
") if current_shift =='A': rosterout.write("") #if d == night_finish: # rosterout.write("
") elif current_shift=='B': rosterout.write("") elif current_shift=='N': rosterout.write("") elif current_shift=='P' or current_shift=='X' or current_shift=='Z': rosterout.write("") else: rosterout.write("") #Write shift to html and dictionary and end cell tag rosterout.write(current_shift) FULL_ROSTER[r][d-1]=current_shift rosterout.write("
") rosterout.close() return (ROSTER, FULL_ROSTER) """ # patient_nums # function to determine number of patients in each ward based on the schedule # Inputs: # WARD_NUMBERS: dictionary with initial patient numbers # REGISTRAR: List of registrars # FULL_ROSTER: Dictionary of which shift each registrar is doing each day # PATIENT_DATA: list of number of patients admitted to GM each day # WEIGHTS: Fraction of patients that get alloctaed to each shift # DISCHARGE_RATE: Fraction of patients that are discharged each day # SHIFTS: List of shifts Outputs: # WARD_NUMBERS: Full dictionary over registrar, Day for patient numbers """ def patient_nums(WARD_NUMBERS, patientVars): for d in range(1,85): WARD_NUMBERS[('W', d)]=patientVars[('W',d)].varValue WARD_NUMBERS[('B', d)]=patientVars[('B',d)].varValue WARD_NUMBERS[('R', d)]=patientVars[('R',d)].varValue WARD_NUMBERS[('G', d)]=patientVars[('G',d)].varValue return WARD_NUMBERS """ # plot_patients # Function to plot ward numbers # uses matplotlib see https://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/ # Inputs: # WARD_NUMBERS: Full dictionary over registrar, Day for patient numbers # REGISTRAR: List of registrars # Outputs: # Plots patient numbers for each ward """ def plot_patients(WARDS, WARD_NUMBERS): totals_W=[] totals_B=[] totals_R=[] totals_G=[] for d in range(0,85): totals_W.append(WARD_NUMBERS[('W',d)]) totals_R.append(WARD_NUMBERS[('R',d)]) totals_G.append(WARD_NUMBERS[('G',d)]) totals_B.append(WARD_NUMBERS[('B',d)]) #print totals_W # Make plot plt.subplot(111, axisbg='lightslategray') #for w in #Plot colours for each ward plt.plot(range(0,85),totals_W,'w',label='White') plt.plot(range(0,85),totals_B,'k',label='Black') plt.plot(range(0,85),totals_G,'y',label='Gold') plt.plot(range(0,85),totals_R,'r',label='Red') # Plot commands to make pretty plt.xlabel('Day') plt.ylabel('Number of Patients') plt.title('Estimate of Patient numbers across wards') plt.legend(('White','Black','Gold','Red'),loc='best') plt.xlim([0,21]) plt.ylim([0,55]) plt.grid(True) # Make legend have a grey background leg = plt.gca().get_legend() frame = leg.get_frame() frame.set_facecolor('0.80') # Show plot plt.show()