""" 01/12/2010 Initial formulation for Roster Redesign exploration """ from coinor.pulp import * import coinor.dippy as dippy import math from numpy import array, concatenate SHIFTS = ["A", "B", "C", "D","N", "Z", "P", "T", "X"] REGISTRAR = ["W1", "W2", "W3", "G1", "G2", "G3", "R1", "R2", "R3", "B1", "B2", "B3"] DAY = range(1,85) # Function to determine if it is a weekend or not # Returns 1 if day is mon-thurs # returns 5 if day is friday # returns 6 if day is saturday # returns 7 if day is a sunday def weekend(day): if (day+1)%7 == 0: weekend=6 elif day%7==0: weekend=7 elif (day+6)%7 ==0 or (day+5)%7==0 or (day+4)%7==0 or (day+3)%7==0: weekend =1 #day is monday to thurs else: weekend = 5 #day is a friday return weekend """#test code for weekend function for d in DAYS: print weekend(d) """ DEMAND={} #demand for d in DAY: DEMAND[d] = {} day=weekend(d) DEMAND[d]['A']=1 if day == 1: #mon - thurs DEMAND[d]['B']=1 DEMAND[d]['C']=1 DEMAND[d]['D']=1 DEMAND[d]['N']=1 DEMAND[d]['Z']=0 DEMAND[d]['P']=0 DEMAND[d]['X']=0 DEMAND[d]['T']=7 elif day ==5: #friday DEMAND[d]['B']=1 DEMAND[d]['C']=1 DEMAND[d]['D']=1 DEMAND[d]['N']=0 DEMAND[d]['Z']=1 DEMAND[d]['P']=0 DEMAND[d]['X']=0 DEMAND[d]['T']=7 elif day ==6: #saturday DEMAND[d]['B']=0 DEMAND[d]['C']=0 DEMAND[d]['D']=0 DEMAND[d]['N']=0 DEMAND[d]['Z']=1 DEMAND[d]['P']=2 DEMAND[d]['X']=8 DEMAND[d]['T']=0 else: #sunday DEMAND[d]['B']=0 DEMAND[d]['C']=0 DEMAND[d]['D']=0 DEMAND[d]['N']=1 DEMAND[d]['Z']=1 DEMAND[d]['P']=2 DEMAND[d]['X']=7 DEMAND[d]['T']=0 """ # can print out entire dictionary for s in SHIFTS: for record in DEMAND.values(): print record, record[s] """ #Linear problem roster_prob = dippy.DipProblem("Roster", LpMinimize) #Create Variables REGISTRARS = [(r, s, d) for r in REGISTRAR \ for s in SHIFTS \ for d in DAY] regVars = LpVariable.dicts("registrar", REGISTRARS, cat = LpBinary) #objective function roster_prob += 1, "arbitary objective function" #constraints #Allocate each registrar to one shift for r in REGISTRAR: for d in DAY: roster_prob += lpSum([regVars[(r,s,d)] for s in SHIFTS]) == 1, "Registrar_%s_do_shift_%d"%(r,d) #Meet demand for s in SHIFTS: for d in DAY: roster_prob += lpSum([regVars[(r,s,d)] for r in REGISTRAR]) == DEMAND[d][s], "meet_shift_demand%s_on_day%d"%(s,d) #Solve dippy.Solve(roster_prob) """ #Display Roster for d in DAY: for r in REGISTRAR: for s in SHIFTS: if regVars[(r,s,d)].varValue==1: print r,s,d """ def output_solution (regVars): #A file is opened rosterout=open('roster_solution.txt','w') for d in DAY: for r in REGISTRAR: for s in SHIFTS: if regVars[(r,s,d)].varValue==1: rosterout.write(r + " ") rosterout.write(s + " ") rosterout.write(str(d)) rosterout.write("\n") #rosterout.write("\n") rosterout.close() output_solution (regVars) def solution_table(regVars): #A file is opened rosterout=open('solution_table.html','w') #table rosterout.write("") rosterout.write("") rosterout.write("") for d in DAY: rosterout.write("") rosterout.write("") for r in REGISTRAR: rosterout.write("") for d in DAY: for s in SHIFTS: if regVars[(r,s,d)].varValue==1: if s =='A': rosterout.write("") rosterout.write("") rosterout.write("
Day" + str(d) + "
"+r+"") elif s =='B': rosterout.write("") elif s =='N': rosterout.write("") elif s =='P' or s =='X' or s =='Z': rosterout.write("") else: rosterout.write("") rosterout.write(s) rosterout.write("
") rosterout.close() solution_table(regVars)