---+ Welcome to the Main web This TWiki site is currently being used by the Operations Research at The University of Auckland (ORUA) research group for their active research wiki (ORUA Web) and by the Department of Engineering Science (University of Auckland, New Zealand) to teach Operations Research via the OpsRes Web. In the future we hope other Engineering Science disciplines will join us on this TWiki! ---++ Using this TWiki There are 4 main groups of users defined for this TWiki: 1. Maintenance - these users (MaintenanceGroup) will maintain this TWiki, changing topics, webs, etc; 2. Contributors - these users (ContributorGroup) will contribute material to this TWiki via specific forms, e.g., OpsRes.SubmitCaseStudy in the OpsRes Web; 3. Teachers - these users (TeacherGroup) will use this TWiki to teach students about Engineering Science; 4. Students - these users (StudentGroup) will use this TWiki to learn about Engineering Science. Note that the access of these groups are "nested". A member of the TeacherGroup will have the same rights as a member of the StudentGroup with some extensions, a member of the ContributorGroup will have the same rights as a member of the TeacherGroup with some extensions, etc. Initially access to this TWiki is restricted, so if you would like access to our TWiki please email Mike O'Sullivan (michael.osullivan at auckland.ac.nz) and let him know which type of user you would like be on our TWiki. ---++ TWiki Info This site is running TWiki version *TWiki-6.1.0, Mon, 16 Jul 2018, build 30610*, Plugin API version *6.10* To learn more about TWiki, visit the [[TWiki.WebHome][TWiki web]]. Please ensure that the read/write permissions for each web on your site match your access control policies (see TWiki.SitePermissions and [[TWiki.TWikiPreferences]]). Replace this text with a description of your new TWiki site. ---++ Main Web Utilities
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